Monday, 9 February 2015

Using TCL to load new configs via ftp for ccie lab

Hi all,

Ok I regularly change my configs in my Lab, the only variable that changes is part of the filepath & each router uses its own hostname, eg:

For dmvpn lab
configure replace
configure replace
configure replace

For MPLS lab
configure replace
configure replace
configure replace

Currently is am pasting the string as follows in each device
“configure replace”
And then on each of the 20 devices I put the final bit [1.txt|2.txt|3.txt] etc & confirm this on all (the command requires confirmation via “yes”)

Yes this works, but I really am sick of going to every box to do this several times a day, so I have looked to try to make use of TCL to save time:

For my setup I have 20 CSR1000V & 1 windows VM running ftp, wireshark etc.

Base config
My base config on all boxes consists of an IP address, hostname & FTP credentials. After each lab I reset to this via:
configure replace flash:baseconfig.cfg

Load lab
For my scrip lab scrips, all I now need to do is send the following syntax to all devices:
tclsh flash:labconfig.tcl  MPLS.MP.BGP/


TCL Script
So the script on each box is as follows (change the hostname variable on each device).

puts [open flash:/labconfig.tcl w] {
 set labname [lindex $argv 0]
 set hostname "r9.txt"
 typeahead "configure replace${labname}${hostname}"

Now when you run 'tclsh flash:labconfig.tcl  MPLS.MP.BGP/' the CLI will return the output of 'configure replace labs/dmvpn/r9.txt' which allows us as uses to just sent one single command set to every box to load a new lab.

 Granted, there probably is a better way to do this. But with the resources to hand this is all i manged to conjure up. Ultimately it works & hopefully will help another out there in the world!

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